
Welcome! Open Sahara is a range of products for the semantic web. Maintained by TalkingTrends, and currently running as a public service for knowledge extraction of Dutch news articles and Linked Open Data.

This website provides technical documentation and project management information for Open Sahara. If you are not a programmer, you are probably better served at our main website: https://opensahara.com.

Open Sahara Projects

  • Open Sahara Server: The server software. Only required if you want to host your own Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Extraction server. If you just want access to the public Open Sahara server managed by TalkingTrends, please contact us (https://opensahara.com/contact) for access to our beta-program.
  • Connectors and Clients (coming soon): libraries to connect Content Management Systems, Search Appliances, and other third-party software products to an Open Sahara server (via the REST-API that is part of the Open Sahara framework software).
  • uSeekM: Extensions for Semantic Databases (Triplestore, Quadstore, RDF-Database). This includes GeoSPARQL and Full Text Search indexing and querying for Semantic Databases, Spring framework integrations, and more.
  • Commercial Open Sahara Plugins: Not all of the Open Sahara software stack is open-source. We also develop closed-source plugins and extensions for Open Sahara that provide functionality such as:
    • Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms for Dutch textual content.
    • Improved (horizontal) scalability of indexes and NLP pipelines.
    • Cloud based services based on Open Sahara.
    • Geospatial knowledge extraction.

Other sources of Information

  • Our main product website: https://opensahara.com/.
  • There are forums for Technical discussions and community support questions related to Open Sahara and uSeekm: Open Sahara Forum, uSeekM Forum.
  • Posts on the Open Sahara Blog (some blog articles are in Dutch, but technical posts will be in English):

Get Involved

You must register your account and activate it via an email (or if you have an account) before you can report issues or participate in discussions.

You can help in many ways. Pick what suits your skills best, all contributions are much appreciated by the rest of the community. More information on how to go about contributing is available on our GetInvolved wiki page.


Open Sahara builds upon a large number of open-source libraries, frameworks, and development tools. Additionally the following vendors have provided tooling to this project free of charge:

YourKit, the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications support this project with the YourKit Profiler. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler.

JRebel is a JVM-plugin that makes it possible for Java developers to instantly see any code change made to an app without redeploying. Learn more.

Latest projects

  • uSeekM (09/22/2011 12:25 pm)

    The uSeekM library is an add-on library for Semantic Databases (also known as Triple-stores, Quad-stores, or RDF-databases) that use the Sesame Java interface. uSeekM adds powerful indexing and querying capabilities to Semantic Databases, and provides integrations with other tools and frameworks. Open Sahara Server uses uSeekM as backend storage. Functionality provided by uSeekM includes: ...

  • Open Sahara Server (12/07/2010 09:27 pm)

    Open Sahara is an open source framework for text mining, developed by TalkingTrends. Open Sahara provides scalable functionality for harvesting and annotating content, natural language processing, semantic indexing, storage and searching. It integrates GATE (General Architecture for Text Engineering), Heritrix 3 (the Internet Archive's open-source, extensible, web-scale, archival-quality web crawler project), and any Semantic Database based on Sesame into a powerful platform for Natural Language Processing, Semantic indexing, Text-mining and Data-mining....