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  • uSeekM (09/22/2011 12:25 pm)

    The uSeekM library is an add-on library for Semantic Databases (also known as Triple-stores, Quad-stores, or RDF-databases) that use the Sesame Java interface. uSeekM adds powerful indexing and querying capabilities to Semantic Databases, and provides integrations with other tools and frameworks. Open Sahara Server uses uSeekM as backend storage. Functionality provided by uSeekM includes: ...

  • Open Sahara Server (12/07/2010 09:27 pm)

    Open Sahara is an open source framework for text mining, developed by TalkingTrends. Open Sahara provides scalable functionality for harvesting and annotating content, natural language processing, semantic indexing, storage and searching. It integrates GATE (General Architecture for Text Engineering), Heritrix 3 (the Internet Archive's open-source, extensible, web-scale, archival-quality web crawler project), and any Semantic Database based on Sesame into a powerful platform for Natural Language Processing, Semantic indexing, Text-mining and Data-mining....